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Phi Kappa Psi can provide you with incredible experiences, life long friends, and priceless character building. But maybe you're wondering what the fraternity can do to help you with your academic success at Iowa State.


Nationally, Phi Kappa Psi holds the largest endowlment fund of any fraternity, offering over $400,000 annually to its undergraduate members in the form of scholarships. There are also periodic conferences held throughout the country dedicated to character building and leadership training. To learn more about the opportunities provided by the fraternity national, check out the links below.

Phi Kappa Psi Foundation Fellowships Grants

Phi Kappa Psi Foundation Scholarships


Here at Iowa State, Phi Kappa Psi offers multiple academic success programs as well as scholarships to its members. Our scholarship committee constantly monitors the academic performance of each member. If a member is struggling to reach his goals, the committee meets with the member personally to help him plan and position himself to achieve his goals.


Our local chapter also has multiple scholarships available for just our members. Over $12,500 is currently available in scholarship funds each year. These are intended to award members who are providing strong leadership to the chapter.


One of the biggest benefits of Phi Psi is the opportunity to develop and hone leadership skills. There are many officer and committee chairman positions available for doing this. The fraternity is a great laboratory for learning how to get along with others, how to motivate, negotiate, compromise, set short and long-term goals, group goals, individual goals, etc. It's the ultimate internship for developing people skills.


Along with scholarship and leadership opportunities, we are proud to offer mentoring and networking with our growing alumni base!

Monday Night Dinner Guest Program

Another unique opportunity the Iowa Beta chapter prides itself in is its weekly dinner guest program. On most Monday nights throughout the school year, we hold our weekly formal chapter dinner. All members attend and enjoy a great meal along with the company of that week's guest. Guests are traditionally accomplished individuals from the university or community. Some examples of past dinner guests we have hosted include Iowa State Athletic Director Jamie Pollard and ISU President Wendy Wintersteen. This program provides an environment for the members of the fraternity to develop and perfect their etiquette and professional skills, as well as network and learn from some of our greatest leaders. For a comprehensive list of our previous dinner guests, click on the link below!

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